Food Waste Recovery Workshop
Heading down to summer 2016, we are preparing the Food Waste Recovery Workshop , trying to provide as many opportunities as possible for all involved partners (students, researchers, academics, professionals, industry). The event is planned one day (5th of July 2016) before the 4rd ISEKI_Food Conference in Vienna (6th to 8th of July). Its objective is to provide state of the art knowledge, basic theory and critical information in the field, by explaining in details the “Universal Recovery Strategy“, as well as noting the advantages and disadvantages of dominant methodologies applied in downstream processing, from the initial source to the final product. The workshop will also have a training character for students who can (optionally) write a test at the end of the event in order to receive of a CPD accreditation.
Roundtable & Brainstorming on Joint projects on Food waste
As noted in the program, at the end of the event we are organising a roundtable dedicated to consortium development and joint actions for funded research projects. This is of particular interest, but the limited time in combination with the increased participation restricts the possibility of having a thorough and reasonable discussion during the workshops.
Therefore, in order to reach to certain outcomes, we decided to put a frame on the discussion prior the event and provide particular topics for forthcoming calls.
Therefore, I asked the contribution of my colleague Nicole Unger (BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria) to identify particular Horizon calls and set up 3 proposal titles. The respective H2020 calls are:
- SFS-40-2017 [Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers]
- BB-05-2017 [Bio-based products: Mobilisation and mutual learning action plan]
- SMEInst-07-2016-2017 [Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors]
Thereafter, we set up a questionnaire to distribute it to the workshop participants to get some feedback in spite of their availability and capabilities to contribute in different objectives of the proposals under development.
Although rather rough, we believe that this process will allow us to come closer with rest colleagues, identify potential collaboration opportunities and build up consortiums for forthcoming actions. After collecting feedback from the participants, we will group the answers and provide more details in the workshop during the roundtable.
Why did you select these calls?
We identified calls that fit within the purpose of the workshop and the deadline is not so close, allowing time for brainstorming and integrated consortium development.
Will you focus on other H2020 or relevant calls?
Yes, this is possible in case the developing projects fits better in other calls, as indicated by the participants. We hope to develop consortiums with interesting ideas that could be eventually submitted in other calls, too.
Is there a specific idea/proposal for the noted calls?
Yes, there is an initial title for each of the noted calls that will be referred in the questionnaire. We start from a general approach, putting a couple of ideas on the table. After getting some feedback from the participants, we will develop the particular objectives of the developing proposals. We hope that this process will move forward within the next weeks in order to handle a more developed proposal and consortium during the roundtable of the workshop.
I am afraid of sharing/notifying my ideas and then used by other colleagues
This is a fair concern noted by some colleagues in similar efforts. This is why we ask colleagues to provide gradually their feedback in an equal manner, within a particular frame-questionnaire. In addition, we invite you to join consortiums development at every stage and join the roundtable so you can control alone the released information from your side.
Can I join these efforts without joining the roundtable?
Yes, it is possible that we will need partners with certain capabilities for the aforementioned or other future proposals. However, please note that the participation in the workshop is high and priority will be given to the participants who will anyhow contribute to proposals’ development from a very early stage.
I want to be involved in other food waste recovery actions of your network
Our group is developing numerous projects in the field of food waste recovery,
environment and sustainability.
A good starting point is to fill in the expert evaluator form and send it
together with your CV at:
Follow me via Twitter – @CharisGalanakis, LinkedIn or ResearchGate.
Meet me at the Food Waste Recovery Workshop,
join the Food Waste Recovery Group on LinkedIn or the
Food Waste Recovery Page on Facebook.